Saturday, February 27, 2010


This morning it's SOOOO darn early and I have been online now for a little over an hour. No real HUGE temptation to log into SL, although it has been in the back of my mind a little. J. and E. have left the house and it's just me and Berg the dog. So I am completely unsupervised. ;) Actually, it happens SO rarely and I have had coffee, juice, a little toast...and I am thinking that it's probably time for me to head out to hike a little. I live right next to the foothills that lead into the mountains and it's just so seldom that there's nothing keeping me from grabbing my iPod and just going out and walking or hiking up into them. So I think I will be dragging myself out in a couple of minutes - rain or shine. :)

E. is at a huge chess tournament today. I just distract her when I go. She comes back and forth to me and wants sympathy or cheering - depending how her games go. J. is much better at that then me. I want to protect her always and he's a bit more matter-of-fact about the entire thing.

I read a friend's status on Facebook this morning and I just had to share it on here.

"Life is too short to wake up with regrets. ♥ So love the people who treat you right. ♥ Forget about the ones who don't. Believe everything happens for a reason. If you get a second chance, grab it with both hands. If it changes your life, let it. Nobody said life would be easy, they just promised it would...... be worth it."

It's funny, I know some people reading this might be taking the "methinks she doth protest too much" attitude about what I am writing. You know, the parts about feeling better. I mean, I have kind of gone on and on about it. The absolute truth is that somewhere along the way I became so accustomed to feeling certain things that when the need or want or urge to not be connected to SL daily - longer was there - well, I personally just feel like celebrating the feelings of feeling free and good and calm. Of course there are times that I struggle with logging on. I mean, let's be honest here - there are a lot of enticing things about SL. And there are people I care about there. I wish them so much good - and I miss communicating with them SO very much. And then of course there are the moments I think of certain places in SL. Eternia being one of those places - it is a dance area where everything is in the sky and misty and lovely. I only went there maybe a handful of times...but each time I went it was beautiful.

Yesterday the monthly fee for being a premium SL member was deducted from my bank. I didn't really think too hard about rushing to cancel my premium membership, but I have been contemplating it a great deal. I basically decided that I will know a lot more about where I stand with SL in a month. My mind has run the gamut of thoughts about it. The temptation was there to just delete my account several times. I am just not sure about that. I think time will be the best decision maker for me. :) And while right now I am in a good place - and logging in isn't a huge temptation for me, things just feel more right for me now. Like they are clicking into place. Factually, I have been so withdrawn from things emotionally that it's with a great deal of relief that I wake up and go to sleep each day.

Earlier this morning I was reading a magazine and I saw a recipe for Italian Wedding Soup with a greek twist. I actually considered hopping up and running to the grocery store and getting the few fresh ingredients that I need and running back home and getting it allllll cooked up. :) It was such a terrific thought...being creative in the kitchen again. There's just so much that I used to do to keep myself occupied and I feel like in many ways, I am seeing it for the first time.

Well, it's a little rainy today...and I have literally hours ahead of me to spend the day any way I want. :) I think it's time for a timeless classic.

I somewhat resemble the comment "Well, everything below the neck works fine."

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